Making Words Count
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What We Do

New York's Premier Association of Editors, Book Doctors, and Ghostwriters

IEG is an alliance of professional freelance editors who have spent many years in senior positions at major publishing houses. We meet monthly with current industry leaders from the top publishers and literary agencies, which allows us to give our clients the best and most up-to-date guidance as they seek to develop their projects and ready their proposals for the marketplace. We’ve worked with celebrities, longtime bestselling authors, writers who have won Pulitzers, National Book Awards, and other prestigious prizes, as well as debut writers, academics who need help reaching a general audience, and many writers who self-publish.

We edit a huge range of material, including both literary and commercial fiction, and popular and academic nonfiction. Some of us are also ghostwriters or collaborators. What we have in common is that we are all committed to excellence in everything we do. We can jump in at any stage of the publishing process, from helping to develop book concepts to crafting proposals, editing manuscripts before clients have literary representation or ahead of delivery to a publisher, and rescuing manuscripts under contract that have fallen into trouble and are at risk of being cancelled. And as industry veterans, we are savvy about the needs and demands of authors as well as the agents and editors who represent and buy what you write.

Please read on to learn more about our services, to find out about each member’s areas of interest and expertise, and to see a representative sampling of the books we have edited. We’d love to work with you. 



Whenever a client at The Book Group needs help, we immediately think about who in the Independent Editors Group would be a good match. This exceptional group of editors is highly skilled at what they do. They can step in at any stage of the process, from writing a proposal to polishing the final manuscript. They are passionate about helping writers bring out the very best in their work—and they are also highly knowledgeable about the business of publishing itself. The proof is in the superb results.
— Brettne Bloom, Literary Agent, The Book Group
The editors in the Independent Editors Group are outstanding in their professionalism, their integrity, their skills, and their experience. And since all of them have spent decades working at the best publishing houses in the industry, they know what publishers want and how to deliver it. Anyone in need of an editor to edit a manuscript, collaborate on a book, or get help with a proposal, will be lucky to be able to work with one of these talented editors.
— Susan Ginsburg, Literary Agent, Writers House
The editors at IEG are experts at balancing their industry know-how with creative intelligence, and the results are terrific. After referring authors to them for years now, I can trust that my clients will get a personalized experience from thoughtful professionals who go beyond the call of duty to support authors on and off the page.
— Linda Loewenthal, Literary Agent, The Loewenthal Company